the power of choice. the promise of transformation.
There is a very powerful force within every organization, The Predictable Future. This is the future that “is already so” and exists in the conversations and the thinking of the organization or individual. From the CEO to the front-line employee, all can answer the question, what is predictable? What is predictable for sales growth? What is predictable for profitability? What is predictable for cost reductions? If the predictable future is insufficient, then what? How can a leadership team intervene? Work harder? More accountability? Revamp the employee compensation package? None of these initiatives move the future. Valinta Group has discovered what does. Our unique management consulting process delivers results beyond the predictable.
Transformational consulting is not a traditional approach. We do not approach a situation with a prescriptive method for goal achievement. That is available to you in hundreds or thousands of books and traditional coaches. Our method opens up the future.
From the perspective of the future, we help you create possibility and provide tools so that you become the Agent of Transformation in your own life, family, work team, company, or greater community. Our approach reveals the one thing that is always, 100% correlated with the actions and results that you are achieving, and provides you with tools for awareness, focus and breakthrough levels of action on your path to your desired future. But this approach is not for everyone.
Are you a lifelong learner well versed in personal time management and goal setting?
Have you already achieved a great deal, but now either feel stuck, or are having difficulties reproducing successes from the past?
Do you have a new or unusual crisis that has emerged or new and unusual relationships which require an immediate improvement?
Do you want to breakthrough the either/or mindset, and find a way to win in your work life without compromising other areas that matter to you?
Are you willing to accept responsibility for your current situation? If not, this approach is not for you.
If you qualify for our program it will be the last program for self-improvement that you ever take. The result will be that you become the Agent of Possibility and Transformation in your own life.